Jade Empire Best Weapon Style


  1. Best Weapon In Oblivion
  2. Jade Empire Best Weapon Style Eso
  3. Jade Empire Best Weapon Styles
  4. Best Gun

A lot of the weapon styles were modified in this mod. The models were swapped. The animations were changed. The stats were altered. New weapon styles were added. New weapon upgrades for old and new styles were added. All in all there's a lot of new toys that await you.


  1. If he uses martial styles use your weapon or just kill him using the Jade Golem Spirit. Recommended character build; Select Tiger Shen (Strong) as your character. Choose his default Martial Style, White Demon (fully upgrade it whenever you have a chance, except for the Chi Damage, as it is not that useful.
  2. Jade Empire is an action role-playing game (RPG) in which players take control of a character most frequently dubbed the 'Spirit Monk'; the Spirit Monk has six available pre-set character archetypes with different statistics: these statistics are split into health, magic energy (chi) and Focus, used to slow down time during combat or use weapons.
  3. Jade Empire in Style. In terms of complexity, no other mod comes close to the Jade Empire.
  4. Most weapon styles have upgrades that you can find, win or buy at some point in the game. Upgrades may increase the base style's speed, its damage, the Chi-multiplier or all of those and possibly more. If you acquire an upgrade, but do not yet know the weapon style it upgrades, you will learn that style automatically.

The most unique weapon style is Mirabelle, the rifle that belongs to the Outlander in the subquest of the same name in Chapter Three. If you defeat the Outlander in a debate and combat, you can.

Vanilla Jade EmpireJade Empire in Style
Fortune's Favorite
Dragon Sword
Demon Sword
Fortune's Favorite
Dragon Sword
Demon Sword
Golden Star
Demon Staff
Golden Star
Demon Staff
Tien's Justice
Eyes of the Dragon
Crimson Tears
Eyes of the Dragon
Crimson Tears

Tang's Revenge
Death and Agony
Tang's Revenge
Death's Razor
Morning Stars
Jade Empire Best Weapon Style

Most weapon styles have upgrades that you can find, win or buy at some point in the game. Upgrades may increase the base style's speed, its damage, the Chi-multiplier or all of those and possibly more. If you acquire an upgrade, but do not yet know the weapon style it upgrades, you will learn that style automatically. If you acquire a high-level upgrade, but do not yet own the lower level upgrades, their stat enhancements will be included.

All points invested into a weapon style will carry over to all the upgrades. None will be wasted.

The Old Weapons

You don't really need to choose between Fortune's Favorite and Golden Star anymore. Opportunities to learn Fortune's Favorite exist plenty throughout the entire game. Opportunities to learn Golden Star exist plenty in the school in Two-Rivers. If you plan on learning both, I'd recommend choosing Fortune's Favorite at the blacksmith's store and learning Golden Star at school. But that's just me.

The look and feel of the Staff have been altered significantly. So much so, that I might as well have called it a new style. If you think you know the Staff, think again. I also added a third upgrade.

My mod adds a few opponents to the first two chapters of the game, who use Eyes of the Dragon (the dual sword style), so you have a chance to learn it early on. Crimson Tears is no longer a separate style, but an upgrade for Eyes of the Dragon.

Best Weapon In Oblivion

Similarly Tang's Revenge (the double axe style) has been turned into an upgrade as well. Its base style is Death and Agony which you may be able to learn by fighting the Black Whirlwind.

Learning Death and Agony

In vanilla Jade Empire you get Tang's Revenge practically for free. No matter how badly you suck do in combat. My mod changes that. In my mod you will have to fight for it. Same story with the gun style Mirabelle. You won't get it by simply choosing a dialog option anymore. That line of dialog is gone. (Sorry, John Cleese!)

Jade Empire Best Weapon Style Eso

New Weapons

Moonlight is a new style. It's a variation of the standard spear style at the wrong end of which you'll find yourself many many times. I also added an upgrade for this style.

Jade Empire Best Weapon Styles

Death's Razor is, of course, Death's Hand's combat style. It's a little tricky to use, but extremely powerful. Try it! It can only be acquired through combat, though.

Best Gun

The Morning Stars are new. It's the double hammer style you encounter exactly once in the entire game. These are weapons that are truely worthy of a spirit monk. They will not come to you easily, though. Nothing that requires you to die first, is ever easy, is it?